Collected Wisdom

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Category: Decision-Making

  • ADHD and Goals: Accomplish Your Dreams in Four Reliable Ways for More Success
    Living with ADHD can make it hard to turn your goals into actions, especially when prioritizing, staying on track, and following through are difficult. You might have missed opportunities, leading to disappointment, lower motivation, or reduced self-esteem. Here are four reliable ways to accomplish your dreams for more success with ADHD.
  • ADHD and Lying: How to Stop Lying and Gain More Trust
    People who live with ADHD, autism, and related neurodivergent challenges don’t lie more than others. At the same time, living with these conditions can create situations for a person to be more susceptible to telling lies. Here are five reliable ways for you or your loved one to stop lying and gain more trust.
  • Got A Question? Ask Me Anything And Get It Answered!
    Are you looking for answers, advice, or guidance about living with ADHD and embracing neurodiversity, parenting, being an entrepreneur, ADHD coaching, and anything you've always wanted to ask? Now's your opportunity! Bring your questions, conundrums, challenges, and problems for us to solve. Learn more here!
  • Embrace Neurodiversity in Four Powerful Ways To Fulfill Your Life
    Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural diversity of human brains and minds. It emphasizes that neurological differences are natural variations of the human experience rather than defects that must be fixed. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of neurodiversity and the need for neurodiversity-affirming practices to support individuals and their families who live with neurodivergence. Here are four ways to embrace neurodiversity so you and your loved ones can empower yourselves to live a fulfilling life (in a world built for neurotypicals).
  • Three Proven Ways to Stay Calm and Assert Boundaries Parenting ADHD
    As a parent of a child with ADHD and related challenges, you may face the demanding and stressful mission of sticking to boundaries. Impulse control, staying consistent, weathering intense emotions, and self-management are executive functioning challenges that make it tough to establish and enforce boundaries when you live with ADHD. Here are three proven ways to stay calm and assertive to maintain your boundaries and have peace in your family.
  • How to Unlock ADHD Brain Freeze and Actually Strengthen Your Impact
    As an ADHD’er, you know what you need to do, but it can be challenging doing what you know. When you have piles of projects, tasks, and responsibilities, it can be so overwhelming that your brain freezes into shut-down mode. Here are three ways to unlock ADHD brain freeze so you can strengthen your impact and get the results you want.
  • Don't Let ADHD Burn You Out: Six Powerful Ways to Unmask Your Full Potential
    Do you tend to hide your impulsivity, hyperactivity, or attention challenges, to avoid judgment, criticism, or social rejection? Masking -- or camouflaging your ADHD symptoms — is a coping mechanism that exerts a significant toll on mental health, self-esteem, and social relationships. Here are six ways to overcome burnout so you can unmask your full potential, enhance your well-being, and live a more satisfying life.
  • Four Inspiring Ways to Start and Accomplish Something You Hate with ADHD
    Mobilizing yourself or your child to do something you (or they) don’t want to do can feel downright exhausting. Kids and adults with ADHD who have challenges with executive functioning don’t have a “just get it done” button. Some folks think of it as laziness or not caring, but motivation and getting started are more about brain chemistry than willpower. Here are four ways to get started so you can accomplish a task that’s tedious, difficult, or boring.
  • ADHD and Impulsive Buying: How to Stop the Battle for More Peace with Your Money
    Most of us buy things we don’t plan on from time to time, but when you live with ADHD, it can be tough to give up the instant rush of pleasure from impulsive buying. Here are three ways to overcome battles with impulsive buying, so you can have more control over your finances and make choices that enhance your life.
  • Boost Online Traffic with Headline Analyzer Studio by Coschedule for Entrepreneurs with ADHD

    When you're an entrepreneur with ADHD it can be challenging to narrow down your topic so you can drive your clients and customers to all your great content and products.  Now there’s a new tool called Headline Analyzer Studio by Coschedule that can make your headlines go from passable to amazing. Here's how you can zero in on the unique features of this great new tool so you can boost your traffic and shine.   

  • New Year Blast: Three Promising Ways to Fulfill Your Dreams with ADHD
    Goals help us plan and accomplish our dreams. But how do we manage the bumps in the road that we are all too familiar with living with ADHD and related conditions? That’s when intentions are helpful for managing the load. Here are three promising ways setting intentions can help you get back on track when you live with ADHD.
  • Procrastination and ADHD: Four Exciting Ways to Stop Postponing Now!

    The fallouts of procrastination for individuals with ADHD can range from feelings of irritability, frustration, anger, and regret for not being able to accomplish what’s important.  There can also be academic, work, family, and financial setbacks for failing to follow through on deadlines and other meaningful responsibilities.  Here are four exciting ways to stop postponing what’s important to you so you can live a more fulfilling life with ADHD. 

  • Four Informative Ways to Select and Really Benefit From Therapy or ADHD Coaching

    ADHD Coaching and therapy have a lot in common. Both disciplines help people create change and it can be confusing how to establish the best fit. To make the decision even more perplexing, when you live with ADHD it’s not unusual to live with other mental health conditions. Here are four informative ways to determine the optimal benefits of therapy or ADHD for you or someone you love.

  • Three Proven Ways to Organize with Calm and Take Charge of Your ADHD Now!

    When you live with ADHD, it’s not uncommon to feel tense, burdened, and uncertain about how to get and stay organized. This doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. It means it’s time to start working with your unique brain, so you're not buried under a pile of chaos, stress, and overwhelm. Here are three proven ways to organize with calm and take charge of your ADHD now!

  • Three Promising Ways to Accomplish Multiple Tasks Every Day with ADHD

    When you live with ADHD, multiple daily transitions are tough to accomplish, such as getting ready for work, moving from one situation or place to another, starting a project, or stopping an activity you love so you can do something you have to do. Here are three ways to accomplish multiple tasks, known as task switching, so that you can celebrate what’s most important to you when you live with ADHD.

  • Boost Your Executive Functioning in Nine Exciting Ways with ADHD Now!

    We all have strengths and weaknesses in our executive functioning. We can be extremely intelligent and have challenges with executive functioning. Yet, when you live with ADHD and executive functioning challenges, difficulties in one or more executive functions can affect your performance and make it tough for your strengths to shine. Here are nine exciting ways to boost your performance and accomplish what's important to you.

  • Six Unique Ways ADHD Coaching Fulfills Your Life with Empowerment

    You want to make your life ADHD-friendly but it’s more complicated than you expected. Whether you’re a parent or adult, you decide to seek out a coach so you can better manage your ADHD and your ADHD doesn’t manage you. Here are six unique ways ADHD Coaching fulfills your life with ADHD with empowerment.

  • Set Limits Clearly: How to Protect Your Time to Safeguard Your Needs with ADHD

    Many of us struggle with too much to do and too little time. When you live with ADHD, the concern for the loss of approval and the fear of not doing your best for others’ sake, makes speaking up to safeguard your time extremely difficult. Here are three ways to clearly set limits so you can protect yourself, your rights, and your well-being.

  • Make Confident Decisions: How to be Bold and Really Commit with ADHD

    When living with ADHD there’s a tendency to get caught up in decision-making dilemmas. It’s not uncommon to get overwhelmed by mountains of information and details and get lost in the pros and cons. Here are four strategies for making decisions so you can make confident choices and commit to your decisions.   

  • Strengthen Memory Abilities: Five Proven Ways to Really Boost Your Unique ADHD Brain

    Do you struggle with keeping up with important details in conversations? Does your mind ping with everything you need to do, so you "do it all" right away before you forget? Do you make a mental list for the grocery store, but then forget the list and what you need?  You may be struggling with working memory challenges. When you live with ADHD and other brain-based conditions, working memory can become chaotic and incomplete. Here are five strategies to build your working memory so you can follow through, stay accountable, and remember what’s most important to you.

  • Empower Your Young Adult with ADHD in Three Inspiring Ways

    Discussions of young adults with ADHD who live with their parents often focus on whether these young adults will ever leave, but it's useful to address what young adults can gain from life at home as parents balance support and independence.  Here are four inspiring ways to empower your young adult with ADHD so they can take more ownership, develop resilience, and ultimately become independent.

  • Fear of Failure: Strengthen Confidence in Three Powerful Ways Living with ADHD

    When live you with ADHD, it’s not uncommon to feel as if you can’t do anything right. If you experience Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD), to give something your best shot and fail is a threat that’s so distressing that it feels unsafe. Here are three ways to confront the fear of failure so you can strengthen your confidence and achieve what’s most important to you.   

  • How to Empower Your Unique Child and Find More Peace Parenting ADHD

    As parents, we tend to find fault with ourselves for our kids’ challenges. We dedicate ourselves to our children, yet doubting ourselves as parents, we may overcompensate.  We want our kids to have agency, but when we take on their challenges we can disempower them. Here are three ways to empower your unique child, and find more peace parenting ADHD.

  • Emotional Flare-Ups with ADHD Getting the Best of You? Four Ways to Pull Through

    Individuals with ADHD can act without thinking with regular temper flare-ups and impulsive outbursts. This is difficult to tolerate and can lead to embarrassment and shame for the person with ADHD. Here are four ways to pull through so emotional flare-ups don't get the best of you. 

  • Build Strong Connection with Loved Ones in Three Genuine Ways Living with ADHD

    Living with ADHD can be intense, and life with those we love can sometimes feel strained. When we take a moment to connect, this adds warmth and closeness to the relationships that are most precious to us. Here are three genuine ways to build a strong connection with those you love when you live with ADHD. 

  • Unlock Meaningful Change in Three Proven Ways Living with ADHD

    When living with ADHD and related challenges, there can be a history of failures and missed opportunities, making it difficult to move forward with meaningful change. Here are three proven ways to help yourself and your loved ones unlock resistance to change and stay on track.   

  • How to Prioritize When You Live with ADHD

    Prioritizing is tough for everyone these days. But it can be especially stressful to prioritize for individuals and families living with ADHD, when there’s so much that needs to get done and just about everything wins out as equally important. 

  • ADHD and Uncertain Times: How to Get Things Done Now!

    In these uncertain times, it’s tough to manage our work, our families, and ourselves. Add the extra layer of living with ADHD and related challenges, and it can be overwhelming to problem-solve, make decisions, communicate and follow-through. 

  • Three Ways to Make a Decision and Get Things Done

    If you are a person living with ADHD, chances are decision-making can at times be overwhelming and can delay getting things done.

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