Collected Wisdom

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Category: Siblings

  • Got A Question? Ask Me Anything And Get It Answered!
    Are you looking for answers, advice, or guidance about living with ADHD and embracing neurodiversity, parenting, being an entrepreneur, ADHD coaching, and anything you've always wanted to ask? Now's your opportunity! Bring your questions, conundrums, challenges, and problems for us to solve. Learn more here!
  • Embrace Neurodiversity in Four Powerful Ways To Fulfill Your Life
    Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural diversity of human brains and minds. It emphasizes that neurological differences are natural variations of the human experience rather than defects that must be fixed. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of neurodiversity and the need for neurodiversity-affirming practices to support individuals and their families who live with neurodivergence. Here are four ways to embrace neurodiversity so you and your loved ones can empower yourselves to live a fulfilling life (in a world built for neurotypicals).
  • Three Proven Ways to Stay Calm and Assert Boundaries Parenting ADHD
    As a parent of a child with ADHD and related challenges, you may face the demanding and stressful mission of sticking to boundaries. Impulse control, staying consistent, weathering intense emotions, and self-management are executive functioning challenges that make it tough to establish and enforce boundaries when you live with ADHD. Here are three proven ways to stay calm and assertive to maintain your boundaries and have peace in your family.
  • Three Ways to Talk to Siblings About ADHD

    To this day I don’t know what it was that upset my son with ADHD; it all happened so fast. Finally off with our three kids on our cross country driving trip, we stopped for lunch in a small country town. Angry and upset, our son disappeared at a brisk pace across the street and out of sight. 

  • Are You Having Fun With Your ADHD Kids?

    I swore I would never turn into The Taskmaster. But here I was, about to lose it over yet another of my son's missed homework assignments.

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