Collected Wisdom

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Category: Judgment

  • Four Powerful Ways to Embrace Life with Regret and ADHD

    Do you find yourself repeatedly going over the details of your previous interactions? Do you persistently search for anything you could have missed or said that was out of place? Individuals with ADHD tend to replay events, painstakingly reviewing the details of possible mishaps or situations that could have happened years ago. Here are four powerful ways to embrace life with regret and ADHD so you can find live a more meaningful life.

  • How to Stop Enabling: Three Promising Ways to Support ADHD

    When it comes to living with ADHD, it’s tough to know when you're enabling vs. supporting.  You strive to assist your child towards independence, but you can get frustrated when it comes to your child taking ownership. You try to help your partner stay organized, but can get depleted by a parenting role in your relationship. Here are three ways to support your loved ones so they can become more accountable, and you can have a healthier, more connected relationship.

  • Four Ways to Stop Ruminating and Unlock Overwhelm with ADHD

    Do you feel overloaded with a tsunami of stuff to do but worry about getting it done? Do you consistently feel like you’re in a state of overwhelm but your racing thoughts shut you down? Here are four ways to stop ruminating and unlock overwhelm, so you can accomplish what’s important to you.

  • Six Unique Ways ADHD Coaching Fulfills Your Life with Empowerment

    You want to make your life ADHD-friendly but it’s more complicated than you expected. Whether you’re a parent or adult, you decide to seek out a coach so you can better manage your ADHD and your ADHD doesn’t manage you. Here are six unique ways ADHD Coaching fulfills your life with ADHD with empowerment.

  • Empower Your Young Adult with ADHD in Three Inspiring Ways

    Discussions of young adults with ADHD who live with their parents often focus on whether these young adults will ever leave, but it's useful to address what young adults can gain from life at home as parents balance support and independence.  Here are four inspiring ways to empower your young adult with ADHD so they can take more ownership, develop resilience, and ultimately become independent.

  • How to Empower Your Unique Child and Find More Peace Parenting ADHD

    As parents, we tend to find fault with ourselves for our kids’ challenges. We dedicate ourselves to our children, yet doubting ourselves as parents, we may overcompensate.  We want our kids to have agency, but when we take on their challenges we can disempower them. Here are three ways to empower your unique child, and find more peace parenting ADHD.

  • Emotional Flare-Ups with ADHD Getting the Best of You? Four Ways to Pull Through

    Individuals with ADHD can act without thinking with regular temper flare-ups and impulsive outbursts. This is difficult to tolerate and can lead to embarrassment and shame for the person with ADHD. Here are four ways to pull through so emotional flare-ups don't get the best of you. 

  • Build Strong Connection with Loved Ones in Three Genuine Ways Living with ADHD

    Living with ADHD can be intense, and life with those we love can sometimes feel strained. When we take a moment to connect, this adds warmth and closeness to the relationships that are most precious to us. Here are three genuine ways to build a strong connection with those you love when you live with ADHD. 

  • Unlock Meaningful Change in Three Proven Ways Living with ADHD

    When living with ADHD and related challenges, there can be a history of failures and missed opportunities, making it difficult to move forward with meaningful change. Here are three proven ways to help yourself and your loved ones unlock resistance to change and stay on track.   

  • Stop Burnout: How to Find Your Joy with ADHD

    For individuals and families living with ADHD, this time of year can be a spell of more chaos, burnout, and stress. Here are three ways to bring in the season with lasting joy so we can practice resilience in even the toughest of times. 

  • Let Go of Judgment - Parenting a Child with ADHD

    There we were, in the front foyer of the restaurant, my ADHD son screaming, barely catching his breath in frustration. Do I cave and let him have his way or do I hold my ground? Mortified and exasperated, I felt I had failed my child and failed as a parent. 

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